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Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     29 April 2012

Cabinet puts off lopsided bill on sexual harassment

Cabinet puts off ‘lopsided’ bill on s*xual harassment

TNN Apr 27, 2012, 03.44AM IST

1st. NEW DELHI: The Union Cabinet deferred giving its nod to the Protection of Women from Sexual Harassment at Workplace Bill, 2010 after several Cabinet ministers expressed concern that the bill appeared loaded in favour of the complainant and the burden of proving innocence was on employers, which could encourage misuse of the law.

The Cabinet referred the bill to a GoM that is likely to include home minister P Chidambaram, HRD minister Kapil Sibal, law minister Salman Khurshid and minister for women and child development Krishna Tirath.

Sources said the language of the bill needed to be redrafted to ensure that there was no room for harassment of an innocent employer through a motivated complaint filed by a disgruntled employee. The bill brings within its ambit all domestic workers, besides women working in formal and informal sectors.

A senior minister, speaking on condition of anonymity, said, "Some more discussion is neededon the bill. You cannot have it completely one-sided." The bill aims at ensuring a safe environment for women at workplace - be it public or private.



1st. News item link:*xual-harassment-workplace-bill-law-minister



Take on the news by a aam driver;
This law is so broad that ruling party’s ex spokesperson driver would have got protection against that party’s spokesperson for exposing “s*x video”. Now politicians have understood what will happen if this law comes into force. They have cleverly muted this law.

Some retroactive reading down memory line are available by one of the bereaved mentor at;



Now here is a stark Judicial reality on subject matter before prudent readers for discussion (if any takers!)

Woman fined Rs 5 lakh for false s*xual harassment case filed 15 years ago

Smriti Singh, TNN Dec 2, 2011, 07.03AM IST


2. NEW DELHI: Filing a false s*xual harassment case 15 years ago against a now retired senior officer of Northern Railways has landed a woman in trouble with a court directing her to pay Rs 5 lakh to him "to console the hurt victim".


Holding that the woman had defamed the 74-year-old man, who has now retired, additional district judge Rajender Kumar Shastri directed the woman to pay compensation, saying "every man has his own status, however humble, and he has a right to guard his reputation".



The woman had alleged that she was s*xually harassed in 1996, while working as secretary to the then chief personnel officer in Northern Railways. The Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) had ruled in her favour, but the Delhi High court in 2008 set aside the order, terming it "invalid".



The man had filed a defamation suit against the woman seeking damages of Rs 10 lakh for the "emotional trauma" he underwent.



He claimed that she had filed the complaint of s*xual harassment after he had reprimanded her for not doing her work properly. He also said the prolonged litigation caused him humiliation among his peers.



ADJ Shastri said, "The plaintiff (man) was a senior officer, who served the Indian Railways. There is no evidence against plaintiff about any misconduct except the complaint lodged by present defendant, which was proved as false."



The court, however, showed leniency towards the woman while deciding the compensation amount after she pleaded that she was a widow and could not afford such a penalty. "I agree that status of claimant in society is a factor to be considered by the court in awarding compensation but status and financial position of other party ie defendant (woman) also cannot be ignored. The objective of providing compensation is to console the victim and not to punish the defendant by imposing such a penalty which she cannot afford from her means," it said.



Times View


There can be no dispute that stringent laws are needed to deal with s*xual harassment. However, it's also true that strong laws are more prone to being misused. To prevent this, it could be stipulated that where a complaint is proved to be false, the accuser must not only suffer amonetary penalty but face a jail term too. That would be a real deterrence against abuse of the law.



Of course, the mere fact that the accused in a s*xual harassment case is acquitted should not suffice to trigger this provision. It should be up to the accused to provethat the complaint is false and has been filed with mala fide intent.


2nd. News item link:*xual-harassment-woman-compensation


Take on the Judicial pronouncement by a
aam adami;
Who will monitor the monitors

 6 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     30 April 2012

Call for discussion; past unilateral discussed point of view is also available at;

Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     30 April 2012

even though i am a female myself,i do agree 100% that 2day's kaliyuga's ladies act revengefully and aggressively if they are reprimanded for logical reasons,or asked to correct themselves.


and rare ones those who take such criticisms positively and try to change themselves are ridiculed and mocked at,by being nicknamed as fools and simpletons.

This happens only in india..

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     01 May 2012


@ Roshni B

So what is the point you are making here; personal or value addition to an article ?

Personal - readers are not interested I suppose
Value addition - readers cannot make out atleast this author of the posting

Clarify at your own pace if any !

...Irene... (Bean Counter)     01 May 2012


"If you have 10,000 regulations, you destroy all respect for the law."Sir Winston Chruchill.

 W.r.t the brief given Tajobsindia, 

"Sources said the language of the bill needed to be redrafted to ensure that there was no room for harassment of an innocent employer through a motivated complaint filed by a disgruntled employee. The bill brings within its ambit all domestic workers, besides women working in formal and informal sectors."

I would like to add that-

The bill should be drafted in such a way that it should gender neutral. Most of the companies/oragnisations frame SH policies keeping women in mind.Now while drafting the bill, it must be worthwhile if the law makers spare a minute to take into account the other side of the coin too- SH done by a woman to a man, or between persons of the same gender.

Also, it should be ensured that consensual conduct will not be branded as SH at a later stage. 

If not properly drafted, this too can become a boon for those misusing the law.

Because it is said- “Never wrestle with a pig; you both get dirty, and the pig likes it.” 

1 Like

...Irene... (Bean Counter)     02 May 2012


Dear Member A/c deleted,

Instead of creating multiple number profiles and then deleting them in a jiffy, why don't you join the disussion by replying to the point with reference to the message posted??

@ Roshni Ma'am, 

Members who are looking for"real gyan" are not intersted in these parameters-the age of the expert who is answering/posting the query, his/her relationship status-who is the ex,current beau,religious views, other orientation,the age difference between some other member and the expert etc.

These factors are not taken into account where real knwoledge sharing is taking place. 

Ma'am I appreciate your efforts in making a big brother out of a legal portal.But, kindly avoid posting immaterial things in forums where real knowledge enriching discussions are taking place. 

Nina Rakheja (unhappily married)     06 August 2012

How can the harrassment be proved that happened within four walls of the office or cabin?Once complaint is filed the acccused should be behind the bar~~~

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