Hello Everybody,
I am new to this discussion board and have read few topics before registering.
Very happy that you get answers from experts without spending days together personally. Thanks.
I hate to start to my first thread requesting for help but I am sure people don't mind.
My uncle borrowed 3,00,000 Rupees 6 years back and after requesting him for 3 years he gave few cheques for 2,00,000 rupees. He said he will give the rest in cash soon at that time. He neither gave money nor he called us to deposit cheques. The cheques were not dated.
Is it a wise idea to date cheques and deposit in my bank which will bounce for sure and proceed legally? This way we might get money but will be losing huge amount in interest. Is there any better idea to get interest as well? Also what is the procedure for movingforward legally. Thank you.