Unfortunately courts take cognizance based on bounced cheque/bounce slip/Notice AD etc and moreover these cases are not happening as summary trial (as mandated in law) but proceeding as summon trials. The time for defense grounds like no debt etc comes later on. Yes, on the first date at the time of charge framing, accused should highlight regarding maintainability of the complaint. These are:
1. Holder Bonafides.
2. Invalid cheque/alteration
3. Time bar in complaint.
4. Issues with respect to S.118 & S.138. (Congnizance is somewhat conditional in law)
No defence like it was security cheque, blank cheque, no debt etc will work at this stage. Only technical law related. Court is obliged to hear accused on the first date before framing charges. If court gets convinced then court may ask complainant to clarify before charges are framed. Please note that complaint can be dismissed before charges are framed, but not after that.