If the wife is dirty,then yes,husband is right.
However is she's neat and clean,but doesnt wear mod. dresses,i think husband is too fussy here.
he shud have married a mod. female then.all men prior to marriage have a lil bit idea if the wife wears mod. or traditional dresses.this man too must be having some idea,that his wud-be wife likes to wear traditional dresses.yet he married her!
its foolish to bring a traditional wife and try hard to make her modern.and vice versa too.still,most mena nd women do this silly mistake of marrying just the opp. kind of partner,and then trying to change him/her.
remember,dresses bring only a temporary attraction,not real love.u dont love a man or a woman because of his dress.that's purely lust.if that be so,all so called mod. men of india will be sending marriage proposals to film actresses!
ultimately a person's nature counts.if the wife is kind and good,these things shud not matter to him at all.
think about those film stars who marry film actresses,yet have divorces.these male stars will never marry a traditional looking girl,in order to maintain their status in society.else their frenz who are from same industry will laugh at them.
so do they remain happy in their marriages even after marrying a dashing female?