Dear Friends,
The battle of false cases ended for me yesterday with the passing of First motion of Divorce.
Initial steps were difficult until I met Mr. Shonee Kapoor who encourage me to fight, filled courage in me, regain my confidence, make strategies for me, helped me to drafting replies,he helped me taking the strategies to put the girl side under pressure.
When my AB was rejected, many people told me to get surrender but he again re-fill my courage by his word “Not to lose patience we will get it soon whether from HC or if we have to go to SC we will go and secure AB for you but don’t think about surrender” and we got it by HC,
I write this posting to convey my heartfelt thanks to Shonee Bhaiya, It would not have been possible without the support of you.
I will never forget your kind help not only making yourself always available on phone but also giving personal attention even my relatives have not supported but you were always there. Always have seen an elder brother in you not like a lawyer only...”THANKS” will be a small word but honestly you are a true gem...God bless you..
It would be injustice to some of my friends if I don’t count some names Sumit Anand, Rahul Jaiswal,Shahnawaz Alam, Manav Kalia who stood by me and their undulating love to me during my struggle. And Also I am very much thankfull to LCI.
When I look back, so much has happened in last years. I thank you all once again for standing by me, for cheering me up and continued support to me.
I would like to tell my fellow friends, please stand up and fight against the misuse of 498a, no matter how scared or nervous you are, at least put up a fight that can leave a impression on the people who misuse the law that we will not give up without a good fight, we will no longer take this injustice.
Hemant Kumar