And I differ with whole points of Mr.Chandrasekhar due to following instances:
1. It's very early to comment on IrBM prior to any notification through Gazette which the last resort.
2. You can comment any thing on IrBM by your own as on dreaming and speaking No taxes calculated in India.
3. Any self property which is whole and sole managed by husband can't be asked as why you have done this and why you have done that. ..If it is in question then section related to Power of attorney and their role, Title suit and main owner and their roles would be errased first.
4. Favouring women on every thing doesn't suits your morality....until or unless your own wife and dauhter in Law not claims your whole property by IrBM...then we will talk about morality on women...isn't it??
5. If husband files RCR and wife files divorce then RCR bechara IrBM ka mara according to you.and it will get because court is not child sucking for street smarters even for RCR and even for Properties...again big LOL to you.
6. If RCR and property transfer will be cancelled for just cause of IrBM then what is the use of filing IrBm tell the wife to simply take all properties of husbands and divorce as Bonus.Because whatever she will say it is Immortal and binding by the Lord of Law.
Dear chandrasekhar Jii....A strong say on you those Who think of robbery in other's home their own home is Looted at some be aware.
Thank you.!