I submitted two cheques to my Bank on the same day ,given to me by a builder for refund of my payments and I got the following messages
1.outward cheque No-1-- for Rs---lodged on---returned in clearing for the reason Exceeds arrangement.
2.Outward cheque No-2-- for Rs---lodged on---returned in clearing for the reason Funds Insufficient.
My question is here for cheque 1, which says the reason Exceeds Arrangement, as I have to send him the written notice,Is this is enough reason to send him legall notice before filing the case or I have to present this cheque again to my bank to get it Funds Insufficient remark.
For Cheqe No-2. its clear the remark from Bank is Funds Insufficient.
My another question is as I have 2 cheques from the builder which I am not getting money , Can I give him one written notice for both the cheques mentioning details of both cheques in one notice or I have to send him legal notice to pay me within 15 days separetely for each cheque