Dear Experts,
I am married on 17May2009 at Rayagada, Orissa At the time of marriage her parents showed us some documents saying that she is working in an banking company and will get transferred to my workplace after marriage. As she did her MBA and working we never insisted on dowry or any thing from her family and I am the only son in our family and we are well settled. After marriage, and we both stayed at our house in Visakhapatnam,AP. My wife left the house on 19Nov2009 when I am in Delhi on official work. I tried to bring her back but she didn't agree to stay with me. Later she filed a false 498a case at Rayagada on me and my parents, we got bail and further she filed divorce and maintenance cases at my place Visakhapatnam, AP. Due to my arrest for 10 days in 498a case I lost my job, as my company is German based and is very particular that employee should not have any criminal cases.
During cross examination she agreed to produce her employment particulars but she did not, Later, I filed a petition in the family court and based on the directions from the court, got her employment particulars, in the documents it is mentioned that she worked only for 4 months that too 1year before the marriage took place i.e she worked in January -March 2008, they cheated our family before marriage by showing some fake employment particulars and made us believe she is working.
I would like to seek the learned experts the following points:
1. Can I file a cheating case on my wife/her parents under section 420 for providing false information?
2. What will be the impact of it on the maintenance / divorce case?