Originally posted by : Roshni
I am not working.. i am a house wife now. I am not allowed to go outside house its a strict instruction in d name of soceity that newly wed bride should not go outside alone.. n my hubby does not have time to go out wd me.so basically i am in four walls.
My attached washroom next to our bedroom is locked since d day i came back from my di house its 2 month now it not open nor do i know where keys are hidden /kept.. I have to complete home chores n go n sit upstairs... my sis-in-law n mother-in-law have there room downstairs n our bedroom in upstairs where i have to stay unless i am called downstairs.
Sit back and prepare well for just ONE Cross Examination question which his Advocate will ask you in a Magistrate Court.
Que.: So madam Roshni living at first floor room at your shared household, you used to daily relieve yourself?
Originally posted by : Roshni
So .........
Why did not you ask above (bold red underlined ones) questions first instead of going round and round with me !
1. First eGyan is to File S. 498 a IPC read with S. 406 IPC.
S. 498a IPC is for 'mental cruelty' to a wife in a marriage and make him (husband), MIL, SIL party and the photographer friend of his as co-accused no. 4. Photographer friend, because he didnot provide you albums of your wedding photos. Offcourse once he is made party he will give you album of wedding photos in Magistrate Court and then seek his discharge, which will be granted, but your purpose of seeing the photos is solved. S. 498a IPC because he keeps the washroom locked and due to which you never ever relieved yourself in that first floor room in a shared home while staying there for 2 or more months in your own privacy. Just imagine how embarrassing it is for anewly wed wife to releive herself in watchful eyes of others in the new family! Also because he never comes home and picks-you instead he leaves you at his home which is in another State as he lives and works in another State. Also because he quite often never lives with you as husband - wife. Also because he sends SMS and not directly verbally talk to you. Also because your MIL / SIL don’t talk to you whole day except when they want glass of water, then they call you from your first floor room to fetch them one glass of water. Also because they feed you (leftover) food once they finished eating which is evident because whole day you sit inside four walls at a room which is at first floor so where do you get invitation to come and do cooking at family kitchen which is at ground floor - Right ?. + Add in S. 498a IPC application; I was given (quite often say it) only 1 bucket of water for bathing? Imagine 1 bucket of water for a 34 years old lady (newly wedded wife of the family). Also add I was made to mop (daily) floor of entire Kothi at my shared household, add till one day I protested (and then all hell broke). Also add, daily I was given by my SIL 1 bucket of water that also under watchful eyes to wash cloths of entire household inhabitants in that shared household which includes personal dirty cloths my Mil + SIL and even whenever my husband used to visit home which he rarely used to, even his cloths also I was made to wash with just 1 bucket of water and then add in same para, my SIL used to stand in the bathroom at the time of my washing cloths of my adopted family (imagine dirty inner cloths of male - females of family being washed by me under watchful eyes of my SIL - how humiliating it is). Further also because he never makes love to you switching off bedroom lights because he does not have time from work in a outside State to come home and did he not come for long in 3 months of my stay at my shared household? and remember no s*x in a marriage is 'mental cruelty' for both persons. All these are 'mental cruelty' as per S. 498 IPC. Tell readers, did I add or subtract anything from your various briefs, NO as I cannot do so, I have write your true facts in a criminal complaint that also under S. 498a IPC - right !/?
Now let us turn leaf and explain to you, S. 406 IPC because you say here that want back the gold and cloths and your personal belongings back. All these come under 'stridhan' which are allowed for you to have them back as per Law. Without this Section (S. 406 IPC) you cannot get them back on your own. It is got back to a wife only via police because police makes search and seizure and whichever clothing’s / jewelry / household objects you touch your hand in that shared home will be made list of under search and seizure Memo and given back to you.
2. Now the second eGyan you follow is, file a Application under S. 125 CrPC or under S. 18 HAMA (my preference is S. 125 CrPC, check your hired advocate's speciality as he may also prefer S. 125 CrPC or otherwise) for seeking interim maintenance from yoru husband (you asked me how to get money from his salary recall that), remember that you are educated but currently forced to live a life of a housewife, why because your husband says sit at home and be just a housewife as his family custom (did he say that too, must have think patiently!). You need money for buying simple things in daily life such as say toothpaste, remember that, your husband does not have time to shop with you or for you nor he sends money (where did you write in any of your briefs that he sends you 50 thousand or so each month!) So where you are going to go to seek money when you are educated yet a housewife living in four walls of first floor room without a washroom to your privacy? Your in-laws don't go out with you nor they give you money to buy things - right?. S. 125 CrPC interim maintenance is a summary court procedure and you will get it in under 10 months (it is nearly 3 months old marriage and you cannot file divorce before 1 year completes remember that). By the time maintenance is awarded to you one year in marriage passes. Both this and para 1 you can file living at first floor room of the shared household as Hon'ble SC has said number of times a wife is entitled to live in husband's home till divorce happens, only thing you should do (which anyway you are forced upon to do) is stop cohabitation with husband as in wife - husband. This is also easy to follow - right in your situation!.
See you may not know, but, I have many good friends here in the LCI forum and they will now pounce upon me now and not you and ask me to explain; What if husband files divorce first? Do not worry, he may not, otherwise he would have attempted by now. Reason being the moment you file S. 406 and S. 498a IPC he along with his family members have to spend next 6-9 months securing AB or regular Bail and comply with search and seizure procedure and will not have time to think on filing divorce first. What he will be guided to file is a case of restitution of conjugal rights. OR even if he does so then you still file divorce under S. 13 (2) (iii) HMA Petition, you will get divorce before he does and then he will go to State’s HC crying how you got divorce and there his Appeal will be dismissed as that is beauty of S. 13 (2) (iii) HMA Divorce Petition when maintenance is already awarded to a wife.
3. Now the third eGyan, the moment you get S. 125 CrPC maintenance (interim) all you have to do is to go to Civil (Family) Court and file an Application for divorce (and do not file for divorce before you get maintenance remember this) and in the very next hearing you will get it, believe me 100% as personal Law has a very typical section in the Act which qualifies you to get divorce the moment very first time a interim maintenance awarded to you and if (maintenance) certified copy annexed in a divorce application U/S 13 (2) (iii) HMA, no further question asked none replied, it can even be granted ex parte i.e. no need for husband to come and file an written statement. There pops a divorce decree in your favour. Bingo.
1+2+3 = All issues (questions) solved.
W I F E = Worries Invited Forever (18th. Century definition) ~ W I F E = Wife Is For Empowerment (21st. Century definition)
Now what are legal question before me in this post?
One more thing lady ~ It is requested to hire services of an local advocate found via your personal reference and file 1 + 2 + 3 as legally adviced.
None, un-answered in accordance with Law. Does anyone now have further differences of opinion with my above 1+2+3 reply paras !!!
Now don’t you think you are FREE from a bad marriage where you were daily staring at a closed washroom with no money to buy even toothpaste and all your gold and belonging kept with them and top of all these no photos of wedding even to time pass 24x7 sitting idle inside those four walls with no direct call (conversation) with even a husband and probably not even enough s*x so what are you supposed to do in such young marriage when he does not support you nor your in-laws supporting you nor there is any Aunty in the neighbourhood with whom you can share your worries - turmoils - apprehensions (yet you have Google ji to come and land at a Legal Website full of master class advocates), so naturally you get your FREEDOM what else, it is as simple as it laid out in 1+2+3 and once you have your interim maintenance and before that your gold and belonging your divorce is also delivered to you as that is Law and now all they +/- (HE) has to face is S. 498a IPC and State prosecutes him on your behalf and your presence is required in Magistrate Court hearing S. 498a IPC complaint case only at the time when your Examination (evidence) takes place that is why I prepared you with a very basic question in the very start of this longest reply of mine. Don’t you think now you have all the time to prepare for just one basic question in your life? Say loudly, YES I DO.
So allow me to now wish YOU ~ GOOD LUCK lady.
You are correctly guided in that link (emotional wellness BBS) and for legal guidance I have guided you correctly as above large piece is worth framing on one of the walls of your first floor room at the shared household is my view. Choose either of the suggested path (i.e. emotional wellness OR legal path) when patience and will power fails as you are 34 years old prime age lady and not in your sweet 20's and also remember Karvachauth is approaching around the corner what if he again does not come HOME.
HMA = Hindu Marriage Act
IPC = Indian Penal Code
CrPC = Criminal Procedure Code
S. = Section
[Last final reply]