Dear Sir / Madam,
I have a residential property and i am willing to let out the property for residential purposes. I was searching the internet for sample clauses to be included in the rental agreement. I found one article stating "Rental / Lease agreement' and 'Leave & License'" .. Not to use words like "Landlord/Owner" in the agreement.
I was referring this article
Could someone please guide me whether i should mention the agreement as "Leave & License Agreement" instead of "Rental / Lease Agreement" ?
Should i use the words "Licensor" and "Licensee" instead of "Landlord / Owner" and "Tenant".. "Rent" as "License Fee"?
In case of eviction if tenant refuses to vacate and create mental tension to me i should get the eviction order from court at an immediate disposal rather than prolonged timelines... Hope you all could understand my concern..
Thanks in Advance