1-Differences between DIVORCE and JUDICIAL SEPARATION
Divorce is the dissolution of marriage and it brings to an end of marital rights and obligations between the parties but in Judicial separation rights and obligations of the parties to marriage are Suspended Temporarily martial relationship between the parties does not come to end.
In case of Divorce ,the parties can remarry after a period of appeal has passed but in case of Judicial separation the parties can NOT marry unless a decree of divorce is obtain as provided in Sec 13 of HMA.
If the parties resort the cohabitation during the course of divorce there would be no effect on a decree of divorce but in Judicial Separation if the same happens the decree would be Neutralised.
2-Advantages of Judicial Separation
I don't think husband will get any extra advantage except mental peace if he is not willing to live with her wife. But there will be no Tag of DIVORCEE will be attached with either parties. Wife and Husband both can claim on the property of each other after the death of other one. Wife can claim for maintenance in this duration.
3-Getting Decree Of Divorce
As per Sec 13 (4) (1A) Either party to a marriage, whether solemnized before or after the commencement of this Act, may also present a petition for the dissolution of the marriage by a decree of divorce on the ground-
(i) that there has been no resumption of cohabitation as between the parties to the marriage for a period of one year or upwards after the passing of a decree for judicial separation in a proceeding to which they were parties.