1. When he filed divorce case and on what ground? At the time of filing the divorce case, whether he was staying with his wife and children or not? Whether he was staying with his parents? or he, his parents, his wife and children were staying together?
Ans. June 2010 on the ground of cruelty,desertion.,staying with children and wife and parents in parents house which is built up on anchesteral plot. yes staying together.
2. When did he file children custody case? At that time whether they were staying away from him and if so, whether they were staying with their parental grand parents or wit his wife?
In the same case of divorce in June,2010 he demanded divorces and custody of daughters.he,wife children and his parents were staying together.
3. When did she file RCR? Whether she was staying away from her husband or not at the time of filing the RCR? Otherwise was she staying with her in-laws, when husband was living away from her with his fiance.
in August 2011.she was staying in inlaws house along with daughters,and husband.
4. When did she file DV case? What relief she sought? Whether she got any relief in that or not? If the case was filed two years back before the Magistrate, why the matter did not come up for hearing? You used the word "shared household" in which she was living. Does it mean that in DV case she was provided share in in-laws' house to stay?
In august 10, residence order, mantenance,judge leave,transfer etc. .shared house means with her husband and daughters in inlaws house from the date of marriage in 1997.
5. After 7.5.2012, where she is living?
with parents.
6. Prior to 7.5.2012, whether she was staying with her children in in-laws' house, where as husband was and is living somewhere else?
yes staying with her children in inlaws house, living somewhere else.(rather pretending like that, as in one nce filed by her he gave address of parents so it shows he is staying with parents. IN fact he is comin g to his parents in the day and stays with friends,relatives in the night to show that he is not staying with parents.
Please answer these questions, and I try to reply.