An official working as LSG postmaster in Department of Posts, India was eligible to appear in the Group B Examination of the Department on completing 5 years service as LSG Postmaster. Recently a new cadre called Postmaster's cadre was constituted in the department. As a one time measure willing officials from LSG cadre were given an option to join in Postmaster Cadre without any change in the basic pay, etc. And the rest were appointed on the basis of a competitive examination.
Now Group B examination 2012 is called for. Officials who have completed 5 years service as LSG postmaster as on 01.01.2011 and is still coitinuing in the same post is allowed to apply for the examination. But an official who has completed 5 years service as on 01.01.2011 and was working as LSG official on that date and joined in Postmaster Cadre constituted later on in May, 2011 is denied the opportunity to appear in the Group B examination.
Merely because of the change in designation/ cadre w/o any pay benefit either, can an official be deprived of his existing right to appear in a promotional examination? What is the legal protection he can get ?