Caution! Your case is getting into complications. Organize your move properly to achieve your goal. Don't allow anyone to divert her decision or interrupt you during settlement. It's YOU only who can make it successful END to your case and not the others. Be tough.
(2) July 7th cheque she is not deposited & she has called my lawyer & said I am not depositing the cheque & I want to go for case. Did she give in writing to you about her decision that she want to go for case? I am sure this might be your lawyer's opinion that if she is not depositing the cheques then she may go for case. She might not be depositing the 2nd cheque because she did not receive 1st payment from you. Start over again and pay her 2 installments together with 3rd cheque in advance and Gain the Trust of Court so that Court will give judgment in your favor.
(3) she claims that she can show in court that she is not well & so she couldn't deposit the july 7th instalment cheque but how will i be able to prove that the payment is made until she deposit the cheque. if she is not depositing, it is her problem. You don’t have to prove anything, however, if she deposited and the cheques get bounced then it will be your fault. because the only mode of payment court ordered was cheque. I can pull out a bank statement & show it as a proof on the final installment in High court that I had made the money available in my account much before the installment date but the complainant is no more interested now in the settlement. where as on 14th May she had taken all the marital items & we got the receipt through court as part of the settlement. Enclose the receipt (good evidence) as her acceptance to settle the case and highlight to court that she is not interested to continue the conjugal relationship with you, hence she recovered all the marital items from you.
Now here I have got stuck... whomso ever we have met everyone has said that your case is closed now but my question is how is it closed because on the final installmeent in high court we have to file for FIR quashing & theirs a clause in the settlement letter stating the first two installments should be paid. Then act quickly and inform court in writing that she did not deposit the 2 cheques because she had lost the 2 cheques, hence provide you with her Bank account number so that you can transfer 2 installments to her account immediately, the more delay in this the more complications will be in future. Time is Game.
Never Give Up