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Srikant N (owner)     14 August 2012

Divorce & property



I have purchased an apartment before marriage for which registered aggrement to sale has been done from the builder with me. I have paid installements & flat will get completed in next year. After completion  builder will register sale deed to my name.


1. I have borrowed amount from my friends for the same.

2. I have done a aggrement to sale to a party, which I will transfer after flat gets registered sale deed on my name. The aggrement is not registered.


Due to lots of problems with wife I am about to file divorce. Please suggest me will it affect the property as I really do not want to make trouble for my friends & to the party who has given me amount. Both of this amount I have paid as installements towards the flat.


 2 Replies

Adv Archana Deshmukh (Practicing Advocate)     14 August 2012

Your divorce will not affect the property. Divorce, alimony and your ownership over the property are seperate issues. Your wife cannot claim any share in that property bcoz of divorce as per the current laws.

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