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chandra mohan (power)     04 February 2012

Divorce transfer at sc by wife


I have filed divorce petition at my residing state.

498A Wife filed transfer petition at Supreme court and transfer granted to her native state.

Now my strategy is that let it be transferred in her native state and proceedings be started. Suppose I will not attend this case in her native becuse of my office and personal work, then it will be dismissed.

My next move will be : I will again file a divorce petition at my native state stating the change of circumstances reason(REAL ONE as many points are missing in present petition).

Advantage: 1) I will be able to include thesome of the missing grounds and in clude them in new divorce petition.

2) It is really not possible to attend the cases at her place due to many reasons.(Real)

3)If they want to transfer this petition also then they have to shell out their money.


Experts pls guide me as I am totally harassed from other criminal cases which r running there.



 23 Replies

chandra mohan (power)     04 February 2012



1) I will be able to include these important missing grounds in new divorce petition.

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     04 February 2012

@ Author,

. It will not be dismissed by your non-appearance! Who said so to you ? By vertue of SC Order you have special knowledge of its TP status to jurisdiction court so appearance non appearance is just figment of your advisory mind.
. Infect after due process of concerned Court at her home turf it will be ex-partied against you.
3. Divorce contest in such instances are not like Tom and Jerry story that you don’t attend inspite of SC order of its already got transferred and dream it is dismissed and later you file fresh divorce suit in your home city now. A metro wife will ensure her divorce case proceeds ex party first. Further a metro wife who has money and or support power to approach SC can do wonders to get her case fixed now in her home turfs and you harassed rightly.

4. There is no change of circumstances now. Once you have special knowledge of TP (C) at SC wither you donto contest and let her have her divorce and or delay and contest in her home turf slowely but steadily. Had it been so your side should have filed revision before SC and or should have done contempt to have your voice heard before the then Bench at SC instead of walking out of SC Bench Court.
. Take such TP (C) cases in right spirit and best is to appoint a pleader in her home turf and get it delayed as far as possible and/or slowly contest as per your capacity if you say her divorce case is 'false' and all your reasons are 'true' and fast track your acquatals from so called crl. cases against you.
6. By fast track and or delaying divorce does not help a husband in long run unless your wife is 20 or 21 yrs. old and half of India is just waiting for her to pop her Decree and marry her by way of lottery system......... end of day it is a husband and his aged parents who suffer; lost youth, lost career opportunitites, no-remarriage etc. etc. till then.

2 Like

Md Zaryab J Rizvi (Principal Partner)     04 February 2012

Dear Mr Jain,


There is slight confusion with regards to your query.

Q. 1: Is it that your Divorce petition is transfered from your native place to her by means of a T.P or she has got her investigations in 498 A   I.P.C been transferred from your state to hers?


Q. 2: What do you want? WHether you want divorce or want to risk your free life and liberty by wilfully evading from the Hon'ble S.C?


Please consult a lawyer in your city and show him/her all documents. It will help you constrctively.


Zaryab Rizvi (Advocate)


cm jain sir (ccc)     05 February 2012

@Tajobsindia sir,



I think some misinterpretation here-

5. Take such TP (C) cases in right spirit and best is to appoint a pleader in her home turf and get it delayed as far as possible and/or slowly contest as per your capacity if you say her divorce case is 'false' and all your reasons are 'true' and fast track your acquatals from so called crl. cases against you.


The divorce petition was filed by me in my native state and transfer petition by her.

cm jain sir (ccc)     05 February 2012


@Rijvi sir,


Q. 1: Is it that your Divorce petition is transfered from your native place to her by means of a T.P or she has got her investigations in 498 A   I.P.C been transferred from your state to hers?


ANS: Divorce petition is transfered from my native place to her by means of SC TP



Q. 2: What do you want? WHether you want divorce or want to risk your free life and liberty by wilfully evading from the Hon'ble S.C?


ANS: I want divorce with risk free court proceedings. 

Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     05 February 2012

@ the author, 

expecting risk free dirovce from false 498a wife = Day Dream !!


Tajobsindia has provided the best answer. The wife wants to contest ur divorce petition, thats why she got it transferred. Dont underestimate a woman who has already filed 498a and also approached SC.

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DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     05 February 2012


Your opponent is on offensive so  do not expect DIVORCE to be easy.


Once initial shock of various actions against you is diminished , you  must prepare your defense to exhaust the opponent.


Time is biggest leveler.Memory of witnesses will fade, interest of opponent will also fizzle so it will be sure, simple to come out of your present turmoil. That is what happens in many cases.


If you feel after divorce you can get any other to bat with you, it will be nightmare or you will have to make many many compromises.


You opponent is aware of your dilemma and also can not resettle so terms of DIVORCE or MCD will be most demanding.


If you can come in terms with these hard facts staring at you than only there will be light at the end of tunnel.

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cm jain sir (ccc)     05 February 2012

Dear Experts,

Divorce is filed by me and transferred to her native state. wat Tajobsir had answered is considering the divorce is filed by her!!!

I think review of expert opinion required here!

Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     05 February 2012

if u desire so & have valid grounds, u can file amendment application.

Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     05 February 2012


Civil Procedure Code 1908



17. Amendment of pleadings

The Court may at any stage of the proceedings allow either party to alter or amend his pleadings in such manner and on such terms as may be just, and all such amendments shall be made as may be necessary for the purpose of determining the real question in controversy between the parties.

Provided that no application for amendment shall be allowed after the trial has commenced, unless the Court conies to the conclusion that in spite of due diligence, the party could not have raised the matter before the commencement of trial.

1. Rules 17and 18 which were omitted by Act No. 46 of 1999, section 16.

2. Subs. by Act 22 of 2002, sec. 7 for rules 17 and 18 [as they stood immediately before their omission by clause (iii) of section 16 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1999 (46 of 1999) (w.e.f. 1-7-2000).

18. Failure to amend after order.

If a party who has obtained an order for leave to amend does not amend accordingly within the time limited for that purpose by the order, or if no time is thereby limited then within fourteen days from the date of the order, he shall not be permitted to amend after the expiration such limited time as aforesaid or of such fourteen days, as the case may be, unless the time is extended by the Court.


application should mention –

1) Court details                                                       

2) Title of the case  

3) Memo of parties

4) Pleadings which are sought to be amended                                            

5) Reasoning

6) Prayer clause to allow amendment the same                                          

7) Prayer







Rajesh Kumar Aggarwal vs. K.K. Modi  [(2006) 4 SCC 385

The object of the rule is that Courts should try the merits of the case that come before them and should, consequently, allow all amendments that may be necessary for determining the real question in controversy between the parties provided it does not cause injustice or prejudice to the other side.

Order VI Rule 17 consist of two parts whereas the first part is discretionary (may) and leaves it to the Court to order amendment of pleading. The second part is imperative (shall) and enjoins the Court to allow all amendments which are necessary for the purpose of determining the real question in controversy between the parties. In our view, since the cause of action arose during the pendency of the suit, proposed amendment ought to have been granted because the basic structure of the suit has not changed and that there was merely change in the nature of relief claimed. We fail to understand if it is permissible for the appellants to file an independent suit, why the same relief which could be prayed for in the new suit cannot be permitted to be incorporated in the pending suit.

·         Similar  views were also expressed in Andhra Bank vs. ABN  Amro Bank N.V. [(2007) 6 SCC 167].

·         AIR 2002 SUPREME COURT 1003 "Gurdial Singh v. Raj Kumar Aneja"

SUPREME  Court in Harcharan vs. State of Haryana [(1982) 3  SCC 408], where it was observed that amendment of  pleadings relating to the main controversy should  not be refused on mere technical grounds



On critically analyzing both the English and Indian cases, some basic principles emerge which ought to be taken into consideration while allowing or rejecting the application for amendment. (1) Whether the amendment sought is imperative for proper and effective adjudication of the case? (2) Whether the application for amendment is bona fide or mala fide? (3) The amendment should not cause such prejudice to the other side which cannot be compensated adequately in terms of money; (4) Refusing amendment would in fact lead to injustice or lead to multiple litigation; (5) Whether the proposed amendment constitutionally or fundamentally changes the nature and character of the case? and (6) As a general rule, the court should decline amendments if a fresh suit on the amended claims would be barred by limitation on the date of application.


There was no  bar to the Appellate Court permitting amendment of pleadings to enable a party to raise a new plea, as  was held by SUPREME Court in Pandit Ishwardas vs.  State of M.P. [(1979) 4 SCC 163]. In fact, SUPREME  Court observed that all that was necessary was that  the Appellate Court should observe the well-known  principles subject to which amendments of pleadings  are usually granted. Naturally, one of the  circumstances which would be taken into consideration before an amendment was granted is  the delay in making the application seeking such amendment and, if made at the appellate stage, the reason why it was not sought in the Trial Court. 


1.      The Hon’ble Supreme court of India in Salem Advocate Bar Assn. v. Union of India [(2005) 6 SCC 344] has held that “It is to be noted that the provisions of Order 6 Rule 17 CPC have been substantially amended by the CPC (Amendment) Act, 2002. Under the proviso no application for amendment shall be allowed after the trial has commenced, unless in spite of due diligence, the matter could not be raised before the commencement of trial.

2.      The Hon’ble Supreme court of India in  Rajkumar Gurawara (Dead) Thr. L.Rs. vs S.K. Sarwagi And Co. Pvt. Ltd. And Anr. Decided on 14/5/2008 and Judgement can be seen in  “ It is settled law that the grant of application for amendment be subject to certain conditions, namely, (i) when the nature of it is changed by permitting amendment; (ii) when the amendment would result introducing new cause of action and intends to prejudice the other party; (iii) when allowing amendment application defeats the law of limitation. The plaintiff not only failed to satisfy the conditions prescribed in proviso to Order VI Rule 17 but even on merits his claim is liable to be rejected.”

3.      The Hon’ble Supreme court of India in Chander Kanta Bansal vs  Rajinder Singh Anand Decided on: 11/03/2008 and Judgement can be seen in It is observed by court as follows “ It makes it clear that  after the commencement of trial, no application for  amendment shall be allowed.  However, if it is established that  in spite of "due diligence" the party could not have raised the  matter before the commencement of trial depending on the  circumstances, the court is free to order such application.  The  words "due diligence" has not been defined in the Code.   According to Oxford Dictionary (Edition 2006), the word  "diligence" means careful and persistent application or effort.   "Diligent" means careful and steady in application to one's  work and duties, showing care and effort.  As per Black's Law  Dictionary (Eighth Edition), "diligence" means a continual effort  to accomplish something, care; caution; the attention and care  required from a person in a given situation.  "Due diligence"  means the diligence reasonably expected from, and ordinarily  exercised by, a person who seeks to satisfy a legal requirement  or to discharge an obligation.  According to Words and Phrases  by Drain-Dyspnea (Permanent Edition 13A) "due diligence", in  law, means doing everything reasonable, not everything  possible.  "Due diligence" means reasonable diligence; it means  such diligence as a prudent man would exercise in the  conduct of his own affairs. It is clear that unless the party  takes prompt steps, mere action cannot be accepted and file a  petition after the commencement of trial.”

4.      The Hon’ble Supreme court of India in N.Pandey & Anr.  Vs. Swami Keshavprakeshdasji N. & Ors. [2006 (12) SCC 1].  and Judgement can be seen in In paragraph 57 of the decision, it was observed as follows :”It is submitted that the date of settlement of issues is the date of commencement of trial.”

5.      The Hon’ble Supreme court of India in Baldev Singh & Ors. Vs.  Manohar Singh & Anr. [2006 (6) SCC 498]. and Judgement can be seen in In paragraph 17 of the decision, it was held and observed as follows : “Before we part with this order, we may also  notice that proviso to Order 6 Rule 17 CPC  provides that amendment of pleadings shall not be  allowed when the trial of the suit has already  commenced.

6.      The Hon’ble Supreme court of India in South Konkan Distilleries & Anr.   Vs Prabhakar Gajanan Naik & Ors.[Decided on 09-09-2008]. and Judgement can be seen in it was held and observed as follows : “we are of the view that if a suit was filed on the amended claim, it was an admitted position that the said claim was barred by limitation, the question of allowing the amendment of the written statement and    the   counter      claim,   in   the    facts   and circumstances of the case, could not arise at all. Accordingly, the courts below were fully justified in rejecting the application for amendment of the written statement and the counter claim.” 


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cm jain sir (ccc)     05 February 2012

It will not be possible to fight the divorce in her home turf.  The divorce case is filed by husband on cruelty ground in other state so travelling, life threat, witness, lot of problems are involved here.

MCD also not possible as their demands are high.

The question here is, If SC had ordered in her favor for transfer then what are the other option left to the husband for divorce?

Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     06 February 2012

Transfer Petitions are decided on merits.

You should have contested her TP in SC.

The mere fact that - u have filed petition - does not mean that the case should be tried as per your convenience.

The case is already transferred by SC.

Now u have no remedy left.


PS : Using large font size suggests - U r shouting !!

cm jain sir (ccc)     06 February 2012

That is the fate of 498a husband. except shouting wat else can be done.

my intention is to draw the attention of experts on moot point.

Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     06 February 2012

moot pt.

u have filed petition for divorce.

now try to prove that the grounds specified in the petition are valid and u r entitled to get divorce decree.

no help of withdrawing and filing fresh petition.

fresh petition will also be transferred by wife.

u should have contested her TP in SC.

i fail to understand - exactly what kind of reply u r expecting.

or its just - u dont want to hear any unpleasent reply !!

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