If law cant force the brother, (who along with his wife , starved the sister,) to look after sister, then , isnt this the vaccum in the law , which gives the perpetrator an opportunity to get rid of THAT PARTICULAR SISTER OR PERSON , against whom firstly , as per plan, he indulges in Domestic Violence, and as per Vaccum in law, when complained agaist,simply abondons her as per his plan,without giving even a single rupee, while at the same time, still using all the assets of sister, residential, coomercial property, and which he had been using for last 15 years.
And unfortunatly,it is being left to the victim sister , to fight for her survival, her assets , money, and to get the perpetrators punished.
In our PATRIARCHIAL society, why women are supposed to fight for their rights, while male members enjoy all the assets, property, business , everything.
Is there any remedy for this???
Isnt this a negative bias towards women ???
Should the perperators of domestic violece be given out, which is acting as an incentive for perpetrators of Domestic Violence, to indulge in same, so that they can get rid of the sister , when they failed in eliminating her by starvation, or made to correct their mistakes ???????