I have been appointed in a Group B officer post in mid 2012 and in my appointment letter it was mentioned that my probation is for one year.
After more than 3 years they have issued a letter stating that it was erroneously mentioned in your appointment order that probation if for one year against the recruitment rules stipulated probation perod of 2 years and as your performance is does not meet the expecations, your probation will be continued.
Can the authority say that they have made a error after three years and can change my probation period to 2 years and if i do not contest with the authority with a reply, does that tend to my acceptance of the same. How legal will be this new order, if i do not contest it now.
I do not want to against the management and if this new order does not stand legal scrutiny i would like to remain calm. But if this will have any adverse impact over in the future then i plan to contest this by approaching a lawyer.
Kindly advise me on this
J Ramesh