Mr Raman,
We dont know if that author is still alive and checking these posts or not - but people express their views to leave a thought behind also. Your thoughts become actions --> so if you can spread positive thoughts nothing wrong there.
Opinions with justifications can make a positive impact... which is very important in today's world.
You are very senior so you know that you can learn from others' mistakes also.
You are financially independent (very good to know); but there are many senior citizens like that who are financially independent. People now are working well beyond their retirement age.
My own friends (as of many others on this post) live abroad completely distant from the day to day lives of their old parents. and they dont feel guilty or bad or have any other thoughts - BECAUSE the WESTERN CONCEPT OF FAMILY FOCUSES STRICTLY ON SPOUSE AND CHILDREN. you may know that in many organizations, your medical insurance covers only spouse and children (but not parents).
This debate is NOT about money. Emotional needs are stronger when you are old (You may be an exception and ready to live a separate life) and the growing trend is children tend to ignore their old parents and focus on their darlings.
One need not tell an adult male how to treat his wife and kids and parents.
Of course some old people may get cranky and bad mouthed (that is a small %age0 - but for that you should suggest talks and counselling rather than supporting @author's views of legal actions.
If you give complete freedom, dont interfere,dont expect anything from you son - his wife will obviously think you are the best FIL/MIL. and the new age wives will spare you of any legal hassles. Like they are doing a bl**dy favor.
Dont think I am an old FIL etc., no I am still very young and love to live my life - but I dont support abandoning parents in their sunset years. Or punishing them for age related ailments. My parents are more than financially independent --> they can take care of me !!