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ramya dixit (HR)     15 January 2013

Harassment from mother

Hello sir/madam,


Iam 33 yrs unmarried living in my father;s house & employed.Iam not financially dependent on anybody after my education.

I do give house maintainance amount in cash to my father.

father is always ill with BP .My father 's wife(mother by relationship) is harassing me every day to leave house since last 5yrs.She shouts at me whenever i come home & on sundays.

I have elder brother who uses filthy words & tries to beat me in the house.He is staying in a rented house presently. After his marriage,his wife started abusing me than brother & mother started.Brother & his wife ask me to die soon.

I have made every attempt to resolve issues with help of relatives & friends.They are shameless & still continue till date.

Situation is going out of control & I want to take help of Indian law to live peacefull in my father;s house.

I know this is very strange case but i want peace of mind in the house.father is helpless & always cries in the house.

thanks for any suggestions.



 13 Replies

Advocate SK Rohilla New Delhi (Legal Practioner )     15 January 2013


You should not bear atrocitiy metted out to you by your so called mother and brother.You should approach the court of law under Domestic Violance Act 2005.


SK Rohilla





SRIBHASHYAM MURALIDHAR (Advocate)     15 January 2013

It is better to file a complaint against your mother and brother.

ramya dixit (HR)     15 January 2013

hello Sir,

Do i need to file complaint in local police station & then issue notice from laywer?.

If police do not file complaint,how to do proceed?.

I work late from monday to saturday to avoid being in house.

she always stays at home & household work is done by maidservent.



File a complaint in local police station.

Advocate SK Rohilla New Delhi (Legal Practioner )     15 January 2013

Go to your local police station and confirm about Protection Officer's detail from Police=> File your Complaint with Protection Officer=> If you are not satisfied with the action of Protection Officer then....... File complaint before the Magistrate through some criminal lawyer

This is sufficient reply from my end.. For further action contact Lawyer of your area


 SK Rohilla 9899221170



Chetan Joshi (Advisory/Advocacy)     15 January 2013



You may proceed under DV Act. I would suggest you to think about peace in long run.




Rajashekhar (Engineer)     16 January 2013

Hi Ramya,

Legal suggestions for your situation???  I think you need to rethink.

My sympathy’s are with you for your present situation. Since you are educated self sufficient, even you are strong woman. Why don’t you lead happy life on your won. Outside India(other parts of  world) many people would come out of parents house and live separately just after 16 yrs of age.

Set better goals in life and achieve them. Rather than going around sh**ty 150 years old court halls. Explore the world, make friends.

Show the ppl who neglects you, that even you can lead better life without anybody help.

If you feel my suggestions not working with you, Experiment on your own.

Njoy life


Msk-need -nuetral- laws (self)     16 January 2013

agreed Rajashekar. What will you achieve Ramya with such people,

Rajashekhar (Engineer)     16 January 2013

She will have better life / respect in society, if she start a fresh life rather going against parents or any person. Legal battles never give mental piece.

World is big enough to accept people like Ramya.

I am not in particular in this case. My intension is to give her a broad view towards life. Positive mind can achieve anything than a crooked mind.


Good people creat good society. Stop abusing law, Stop complaining at society

ramya dixit (HR)     16 January 2013

Hello Sir,

If daughter harass aged mother,do anyone  suggest mother to move out of the house.

Iam living in a house build by  father from his own income.

I do pay maintainance amount in cash to my father. how can mother/brother  torture me?

They are doing for my father ;s property (house) when my  father is living in same house.

Iam not asking for property but right to live in the house peacefull.

When mother & brother are cheaters,where world will come & help me?



Msk-need -nuetral- laws (self)     17 January 2013

We suggested because we know how judiciary works and have been to courts since last 1 1/2 years and really feel to live in a country where judiciary moves slower tahn snail, If you want to waste your time in a mirage mirorred laws, all the best dear. remember this will be civil case and drags.

Rajashekhar (Engineer)     17 January 2013

I agree with mani

Saurav (Engineer)     16 March 2014

Dear Ramya,

I am a male unmarried son same situation as yours and about the same age as yours. I have been abused by my Brother, my Parents and my sister in Law. However laws in India are against male but you are protected. You can file a case against your so called mother and brother. However I have decided to move out of the Parents house and start a fresh new life. You know what - I am not claiming any Property/Money/Business from my parents but Indian laws are so screwed up I have to still give maintenance to my Parents in case my Brother/Sister-in-law mistreats them after I left. (which I am sure they will do because they are after the multi-crore property of my parents and fake their love).  Such is the laws in India. In western countries Children leave the house by 18 years and start a new life and there are no laws in Western countries where children are compelled by law to give maintenance to parents even when Children have relinquished all rights from Parents property.

However if you want a sincere advice to you as a friend, You are financially independent. Just move out of the home and stay separately. You are matured enough and I am sure you will find a broad-minded partner by yourself much better than what your parents will find for you.


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