Shailesh Kumar Shah (Advocate) 16 October 2012
@ Mr. R.K.Prajapati
Now, Allahabad high court rti fee is Rs.250/=
Please find attached herewith notification regarding above.
surjit singh (Assistant) 25 October 2012
In patna High Court the RTI fee should be paid at the account cashier counter. No IPO or Bank Draft/Banker Cheque is accepted. Is it justifiable. If a person from Florida (USA) is willing hto file an ART application before the registry of Patna High Court, he will have to come to the Patna High Cout cashier counter of send somebody to deposit the money. Please give your comment on the justification. Whether the purpose and objective of the Act is not obstructed.
If it's true what you say then it's against the spirit of the RTI act. you ask in authorities in patna high court, under which law such things taking place citing the reference of this document. please find the attachment(it's in xps format which will be opened with MS office-2007 XPS viewer). Alternatively, you can visit
if authorities,in spite of citing reference,you can ask the CPIO. If there you get no remedy, consider the contitutional writ 'Mandamus'.
surjit singh (Assistant) 02 December 2012
Mr Kumar I have my own personal experience with the PIO of the Patna High Court with documentary evidence.
surjit singh (Assistant) 03 December 2012
I mean to say that while applying for an informaton under RTI act by registered post enclosing IPO, I received a letter that fee through IPO is not accepted and for this fee should be deposited in cash at the cash counter of the registry.
Didn't you take further action?
The information cannot be denied on pretext of mode of payment. Please find this attachment,which i think will prove it's worth having with you or for anyone else(you can also obtain it from RTI official website).According to this guideline "mode of payment" cannot be restricted.It goes as-
"The public authority should
ensure that payment by any of the above modes is not denied or the applicant is not compelled to draw IPO etc. in the name of any officer other than the Accounts Officer."
Find the above text in the document under the heading "Acceptance of Fee".