Dear all good hearted lawyers, I am trying to get a release deed for a property (An apartment under construction in pune) jointly owned by me and my father.
My father recently expired and now our family consist of me, two sisters and mom. To get a housing loan the bank asked for release deed.
When I enqiured about it, an advocate told me that it will take 10000 Rs and 6 MONTHS to get this document done. 10000 Rs I can understand like some kind of stamp duty, but what I not convinced is with the 6 month time to get the process done and the prepare the documents.
Is this true? can a release deed take 6 months to prepare. My sisters are also living in india, one in Bangalore and one in Pune. Can u give me a sugession on this.
I understand that this topic is covererd in this forum, but I am not sure abou the time span.