Looking for professional advice on how to proceed since my wife who deserted me 2.5 yrs ago decided to file a case of DV with her local Police.
1) Deserted me 2.5 yrs ago
2) I filed for Divorce after trying to resolve thing amicably and things failed. Divorce app pending
3) Tried mediation and her demands were unreasonable
4) Just got a call from her local police informing me that my wife had filed a complaint against me, asking me to come next week to see them
How would you recommend i proceed. I happened to be out of town when the local police came and so they called me.
Should i accept the summons they want me to accept and sign the acceptance?
What steps can i take to ensire my and my family's safety
Look forward to hearing your suggesstions and reasoning behind that.
Based in Delhi.