Dear sir,
Someone owing the land near my house burried his mother there during the period of Covid 19 as I was with my daughter in AN Islands & could not travel due to non availability of flight service. He has laid 2 black stones near his mother's graveyard one in memory of his brother who died in Yemen in 1986 & another one in memory of his father who died in 90s whose body was buried in a graveyard in the nearby church.
Made a compound wall closer to my home (just 3 inch gap) without any panchayat permission. I had complained this to Direcorate of Panchayat of Kanyakumari District. The director had sent a letter to Neyyoor Panchayat to take necessary steps.
This Panchayat Offiers have replied the Director stating that it is a Catholic graveyard and only the sub collector can take action on this.
Only one body has been burried i.e his mother only. How can it be a catholic graveyard.
Kindly advice me what i can do to stop any body should not be burried here further.
Thank you.