Dear Sir
I am Muru. I have filed RCR against my wife as main Petion by July'11. Wife has filed for Interim Maintenance. I am asking wife and child (2 years) to live with me. Since then no enquiry has been done between us from court. But Without doing enquiry, judge has passed order that I have to Pay Rs.5000 every month as IA. They havent done enquiry my lawer also. Now it is 9 months since this order was passed. Now wife is asking Rs.45,000 total amount for 9 months and in case of failure to pay this amount I have to get back my main petion for RCR.
Please kindly advice me,
1.The judgement passed against me without enquiry is right?
2.Will i have to pay amount?
3.Why I have to get back my main petion and in case of failure to get back what may happen?