Naveen 10 September 2019
Real Soul.... (LEGAL) 11 September 2019
The notice issued by an advocate ;It appears there was some arbitration case and the final settlement still not recahed mentioning Section 74-75 .
The arbittartion matter is not mentioned;
Just Mr. Advocate is using his advocasy skills to get some money squeezed from the pocket of parties.
If the court had appointed arbitrator and fixed his fee or granted arbitrator to fix his fee then you were suppoused to finalise the proceedings and settle upon the fee.
The matter is still not clear but clearly i can see he has used a legal language to recover his money may be his fee from the party or his advopcate where he succeeded for 38,950... and now he is agian playing same trick..
He can otherwise do nothing except to file a recovery suit in court which will be hectic for him