MANKU (EXECUTIVE) 02 February 2016
Vijay Raj Mahajan (Advocate) 03 February 2016
First of all if there is a divorce, wife should be asked to move out of the matrimonial home immediately otherwise she may charge the husband of rape and s*xual molestation and even file police complaint in this regard, secondly even a divorced wife seek maintenance u/s 125Cr.P.C but the first condition thereis that she should have no means to support or mainatain herself that you said is that she is working hence has means to mainatain herself, her case becomes weak on this ground itself.
MANKU (EXECUTIVE) 03 February 2016
Many thanks sir, I have noticed that maintenance is granted in most of the cases where the wife leaves in her parental house.but in this case she is residing in the matrimonial house after divorce not applying for permanent alimonyand instead demands maintenance...