hello all,
I want to know what a labour inspector do during inspecting a firm which is not maintaining any type of register with less than 10 workers,
Ajay aggarwal
ajay (owner) 04 May 2011
hello all,
I want to know what a labour inspector do during inspecting a firm which is not maintaining any type of register with less than 10 workers,
Ajay aggarwal
Ravinder Gupta (Advocate) 04 May 2011
ajay ji
the labour inspector has right to inspect your unit to know whether the labour laws are being implemented or not. He can question workers and know their job details like wages, overtime maintainance of record etc. If not complied with he has right to challan you for the voilation. For that you have to go to criminal court for disposal of challen . If u want to contest u have to take bail and then contest.