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Payel Deb (Software Engineer)     04 November 2010

live in with my boyfriend

Hi all, This is Payel Deb, software engineer.

I want to know certain facts. I have to travel to a new city, so i need to a book a hotel there. Now my boyfriend stays in the same city. So if i am going to stay with him in a hotel. Is there any legal problem if i am going to stay with my boyfriend in a hotel? Is there any laws against or for it?I have to stay there for a week. So is there is any problem if i stay with my boyfriend in a hotel or in case, if in his rented flat? I do not have problem staying with him either. Can anyone please tell me if there is any problem or it will be just fine?

 I heard about the supreme court hearing. The city is in south india, i need to ask this question. Please reply me soon.  Thnaking u,


payel deb

 109 Replies

Payel Deb (Software Engineer)     04 November 2010

Reply me soon. 

Democratic Indian (n/a)     04 November 2010

Two or more consenting adults can stay and do whatever they want mutually either in the privacy of hotel or home. It is nobodies business to interfere so long the matters are private and not public. Such acts of life and its expression are protected under following articles under Part III of Constitution. I quote the relevants extracts hereunder:


Article 19. Protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech, etc.—(1) All citizens shall have the right—(a) to freedom of speech and expression; (d) to move freely throughout the territory of India; (e) to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India;


Article 21. Protection of life and personal liberty.—No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law.


It has been opined by apex court that "procedure established by law" has to pass the test of reasonableness.


Long story short, you and your boyfriend can stay in hotel or home so long both of you are adults and mutually agree.


You can read your fundamental rights guaranteed by Constitution at

1 Like

Payel Deb (Software Engineer)     04 November 2010

Thank u very much my friend....I really appreciate your feed back

Kiran Kumar (Lawyer)     04 November 2010

SC is not against live in relationship, the judgment was more confined to the maintenance part only in case of any dispute among live in couple.


Democratic Indian has already apprised you of your fundamental rights so there shall be no problem for you in living together.

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adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     04 November 2010

You can stay together in the room/hotel.  You both are majors.  There is no wrong when ;you both are agrred to stay.

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Guest (Guest)     04 November 2010

If both are major and have no living spouse, they are not disentitled to live together.

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aatma   04 November 2010

Originally posted by :Payel Deb
Hi all, This is Payel Deb, software engineer.

I want to know certain facts. I have to travel to a new city, so i need to a book a hotel there. Now my boyfriend stays in the same city. So if i am going to stay with him in a hotel. Is there any legal problem if i am going to stay with my boyfriend in a hotel? Is there any laws against or for it?I have to stay there for a week. So is there is any problem if i stay with my boyfriend in a hotel or in case, if in his rented flat? I do not have problem staying with him either. Can anyone please tell me if there is any problem or it will be just fine?

 I heard about the supreme court hearing. The city is in south india, i need to ask this question. Please reply me soon.  Thnaking u,


payel deb
Don't Worry about South India.  Below SC judgment is very good nosecut to the case originated from South India.
[Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No. 4010 of 2008]

S. Khushboo ... Appellant
Kanniammal & Anr. ... Respondents

21. While it is true that the mainstream view in our society is that s*xual contact should take place only between marital partners, there is no statutory offence that takes place when adults willingly engage in s*xual relations outside the marital setting, with the exception of `adultery' as defined under Section 497 IPC. At this juncture, we may refer to the decision given by this Court in Lata Singh Vs. State of U.P. & Anr., AIR 2006 SC 2522, wherein
it was observed that a live-in relationship between two consenting adults of heterogenic s*x does not amount to any offence (with the obvious exception of `adultery'), even though it may be perceived as immoral. A major girl is free to marry anyone she likes or "live with anyone she likes".
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Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     04 November 2010

if the female is unmarried, then there is no legal obstruction or objection. age must be over 18.

one thing i faced, hotel administration do not allow unmarried boys and girls to stay in the same room. this is a precautionary measure from them. the purpose is to avoid prostitution and police raid. otherwise there is no legal problem. star hotel do not care all these.

there is no plegal problem in rented flat. only owner may take objection.

2 Like

mihir kr. ghosh (office suptd. (legal))     04 November 2010

There is no problem to stay together in any Hotel or any other accomodation with your boy friend,as both of you are adult and agreed to. while your confusion in regard to Supreme Courts' Judgment regarding s*xual engagement in question, with the exception'adultery' - when willingly engage in sx. since, you are free to fly as high like sky.
with best wishes,
1 Like


Actually Ms. Payal should be congratulated first by all, so here is congratulations for her from me for putting a direct fact.   Like to say more but why to make angry to fundamentalists.  


Everyone should respectfully give space to others fundamental as well as citizen rights.

There wont be any legal problems if you stay in a hotel, but if you stay at his rented accomodation, people in the society or the owner of the house may raise objections (whether justified or not). Worst Case: People may raise aspersions about both of your characters and complain to the secretary.

hedevil hydraheaded (non professional )     04 November 2010

No withstanding supreme court judgment on the issue, in day to day life you will find Tamil Nadu cities more traditional than city like Bombay. So yes, while agreeing with Tushar, I will suggest that  you  go in for two separate hotel rooms formally if you happen to be in a hotel less than a high profile one or unless you make out as though you are a married couple.  You can't everywhere quote supreme court judgement, can you? 

1 Like


Dear Payel Deb,

You asked “Is there any legal problem if i am going to stay with my boyfriend in a hotel?”

Answer: It’s your fundamental rights and SC is not against live in relationship. It is nobodies business to interfere so long the matters are private and not public.


Is there any legal problem if i am going to stay with my boyfriend in a hotel?


No problem at all.

Just enjoy in diwali (dilwali)


Ok,best of luck and must remember one thing which is so important ;

Check the hotel Home Security Camera  ,may be misuse by someone

So ,my humble request is take care with caution.




Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     04 November 2010

Uhave got a green signal  of "No Problem" from LCI members, so just Enjoy with this joke of Adv. Sarveshji in other section of forum “JUST SMILE”


"Ek hotel me naye shaadi shuda jodon k liye ek line likhi hui thi:"Khidki par parde daal dijye" Aapka pyaar andha ho skta hai," Magar humara staff nahi'..."

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