Harish Vyas 18 December 2016
Dr J C Vashista (Advocate) 18 December 2016
1. An amount given to any relative should be settled/accepted as "bad debt" and forget and not to ask/expect for return.
2. The alleged loan has no evidence to prove that you have paid the amount as loan.
3. Even if the amount of Rs. 2 lakh given by cheque as loan it is time barred and court can not help.
4. The amount of alleged loan was not for a consideration, despite the fact that you have paid by cheque.
P. Venu (Advocate) 18 December 2016
Your posting suggests that there are deeper issues. Please post the complete facts.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate) 18 December 2016
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate) 18 December 2016
Suri.Sravan Kumar (senior) 18 December 2016
the issue pertains to your family as such you may discuss with them to sortout the issue amicably.
Kumar Doab (FIN) 18 December 2016
Involve elders and resolve amicably, preferably.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate) 18 December 2016
a husband has just to annoy his in-laws (your wife will side them) on money matters and go to jail on dowry related charges (may be with parents and married/unmarried brother/sister and their spouces)
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate) 18 December 2016
Money given to friends and relatives (of self/spouse) is always a charity in the garb of loan which is given in expectation of refund but always taken with intention of non-refund.
Such loan is taken by a person:-
he himself is not creditworthy
the purpose for which he seeks loan is illegal
the purpose for which he seeks loan is not at all commercially viable.
So he has to find someone who can part with his money. SO he finds a lender near him (fiend or relative)
Such loans are given by the persons :-
Such loans are always given
Business started by such money (easy money belonging to other) invariably fails.
Such loans always sink and not refunded.
Kumar Doab (FIN) 18 December 2016
The narration and wide advise by experts is sufficient.