You are legally married Nisha and you have been advised rightly to get out of this situation.
And the contested thing takes eons in this country.
Shonee Kapoor
Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA) 26 December 2011
You are legally married Nisha and you have been advised rightly to get out of this situation.
And the contested thing takes eons in this country.
Shonee Kapoor
Ratnesh kumar (Advocate) 26 December 2011
see there is two way out of it , one if u want to settel the matter ammicably than file for annulment or after one year file a mutual divoerce, and if u want to amke the guys family disturb than u can file the criminal case u/s 406,466, and 496 so its upto u to decide
Ratnesh kumar (Advocate) 26 December 2011
well it is a registered marraige
you all have been photo graphed there and there is isgn of both the parties so he cannot deny it ok.
Sunny (Analyst) 26 November 2013
Hi Nisha
I think I have just landed on the same boat as you were a while back. We registered with a fake card for the sake of visa right after our engagement and now everything we did look so stupid. It was premature..we needed more time to understand us better. Just like you did..I'm going through tough times emotionally..Could you please tell me how you were able come out of this mess ? I hope you did..
Did you go for divorce or annulment was possible ? I need your help Nisha
I still don't understand how I convinced myself to do something against law..
RAJ MALHOTRA's answer was very frank and definitely makes sense.I did read a lot about this in other forums.
SHONEE KAPOOR I think has an interesting point. Someone should become a scapegoat. Sir, could you please tell me..what is going happen if i say i was the one who faked it and it's not guy's fault or vice versa?
Sorry for posting in an old post.. You answers are much appreciated.
Thank you all very much
Shantanu Wavhal (Worker) 27 November 2013
SMA does not mandate saptapadi & other rituals