Learned members. We appeared as complainant in a NI Act case (Sec 138, 142) today in front of learned MM. He gave the date of 17. 03. 2015. On returning home, I found this order through the court website. Can anyone please give me the meaning of this in simple words?
"Fresh case is received by way of assignment. It bechecked and registered.
Present: complainant alongwith Ld. counsel.
Pre-summoning evidence tendered by way of affidavit along with documents by the complainant. In view ofthe statement given by complainant, pre-summoning evidence isclosed.
Put up for arguments on summoning on17.03.2016
Other Fresh cases on that day have following order:
Fresh case is received by way of assignment. It bechecked and registered.
Present: complainant alongwith Ld. counsel.
Evidence tendered by way of affidavit along with documents by the complainant. In view of the statement givenby complainant, pre-summoning evidence is closed. Arguments on the point of summoning of the accused heard. I have carefully perused the complaint, documents and
evidence by way of affidavit. Prima facie offence under Section 138 N.I. Act appears to have been committed, hence, I take cognizance of the offence u/s 138 N.I. Act. Issue summons to the accused on filing PF/RC/speed post for 17.03.16. Steps be taken within seven days from today. "
What is the difference in both orders? I observe that in second order, that the accused will be summoned but not clear from the first mentioned order. Kindly Clarify.
What is the difference in both orders? I observe that in second order, that the accused will be summoned but not clear from the first mentioned order. Kindly Clarify.