Ganesh 30 September 2016
adv.bharat @ PUNE (Lawyer) 30 September 2016
Ganesh u can resolve this issue by doing deemed conveyance before society registrar.
As AGM had allready passed by your society organization for doing conveyance same is used as evidence for initiating action.
If u like my suggstion then give THANK my profile.
Ganesh 03 October 2016
Sir, I think you have not understood my question. I was enquiring whether the society can File a FIR in the nearest Police Station based on the resolution by AGM or the AGM needs to pass a sepearte resoltion clearly mentioning about lodging FIR under MOFA act. I would like to know whether approaching the Consumer court and lodging FIR under MOFA are fitting into the resoltion made by the AGM to initiate legal action against the builder.