One of friend and his family were falsly accused in 498a, 3&4 DP act in year 2010 and they have filed for quashing the same in AP high court which was admitted and in progress. We have evidences to prove this is a false case. However, looking at the amountof time it takes to close the case, bot parties agreed for mutual consent and come up with an MOU(on rs.100 bond paper) which states the following
1. Boys family pays Rs 5,00,000 to girl towards her Pasupu Kunkuma (streedhan)
2. With several other common MOU clauses, they have agreed to part ways
3. Boys family will support for getting mutual consent Divorse and girl's family will support/help for quashing of 498a and 3,4 DP act cases in AP high court
there were several other regular clauses whcih points that bot boy and girls family should take back all their previous cases and will not file further cases in future on this matter. We are vexed with the adamant nature and wanted to pursue if there are any legal proceeding which force girl to abide by the MOU which she agreed earlier but not following now. She used the same MOU to get the divorce though
Few points to note for further legal actions
1. In MOU it is mentioned that a settlement is reached with Rs 5 Lakhs towards Streedhan. Does it nullify DP act 3 & 4? and the girl is a govt. employee
2. She is contineously not supporting boy to get their cases quashed inspite of MOU. does it constitue to cheating? since the same MOU content is used in mutual divorce.
Please advice the suitable course of actions. Kindly help !!
As per MOU, both got divorce decree in March 2012 wherein in the divorse mutual agreement filing , all the MOU points were added and subsequently boys family filed for quashing(with Compromise note) of 498a and 3,4 DP act in AP high court. However, after getting divorse girl is not attending AP high court irrespective of many reminders and they are not helping boy to get their cases quashes