Kanishk Tiwari 08 April 2020
N. Sivaprakash, Chennai 984099 (Advocate) 08 April 2020
In addition he will also be charged under Sec. 188 of IPC for disobeying a Govt. Servant. He will also be charged for Sec. 319 &321 IPC, for causing hurt and grievous hurt.
P. Venu (Advocate) 08 April 2020
To my knowledge, such a case has not occured and is unlikely to occur.
Dr J C Vashista (Advocate) 09 April 2020
What are the facts of the case, offence contents of FIR, report of investigating officer, charges, prosecution and defence evidence(s) ?
If it is a real story it is advisable to consult a local prudent lawyer for better appreciation of facts/ documents, professional guidance and necessary proceeding.