There are different form of Divorce in Mohamedan Law. The Muslim law recognises divorce or talak which means 'repudiation' asa method of dissolution of marriage. A muslim husband who is of sound mind and has attained puberty, may divorce his wife whenever he desires and even without assigning any reason. The Muslim law recognises the following forms of divorce:
(1) Talak, (2) Ila, (3) Zihar, (4) Khula, (5) Li'an, (7) Judicial divorce;
Talak may be either oral or in writing by a document called 'Talaknama'. The words to be uttered in a talak must be unambigous and must indicate an intention to dissolve marriage.
Talak may be or three types,
(a) talak-ahsan, i.e., a single pronouncement; (b) Talak-hasan, i.e., consisting of three pronouncements, and (c) Talak-ul-biddat, i.e., talak consisting of three pronouncements in one sentence or in three sentences made simultaneously or even in a single pronouncement clearly indicating an intention to dissolve the marriage irrevocably.
Oral Talak - No particular form of talak is prescribed but the words must be made express and not ambiguous indicating the clear intention to dissolve the marriage. It is not necessary to pronounce talak in presence of wife or addressed to her but the talak takes effect immediately it is uttered.
Talaknama or Talak in writing: A talaknama may be a deed by which the divorce is effected or it may be just a record of oral talak. The Talaknama may be in customary form or unusual form. If it is in the customary and manifest form, it takes effect immediately although communication is necessary for the purpose of dower or maintenance. If the Talaknama is in unusual form, the intention must be proved.
As per the latest changes in the Muslim law, in view of the Fatwa of Majlis of Jamiat Ahle Hadith, a Mohamedan husband is not permitted to divorce his wife at his sweet will.
You can download a sample 'Talaknama' from the google search option.