Hi Sir,
My father has bought a land 30 yrs back.it went into disputes and because of exparty decree we lost cases in muncief and district court. And we requested our lawyer to file the case in Highcourt in 2001. He told that he already filed and he is waiting for the number. My father is an illetrate and he completely trusted him till now. Still our lawyer is saying that the number is yet to come. Recently, I checked in the website of Highcourt and came to know still he didn't file the case in high court.When we went and asked he told he is very busy and will talk to us later. We tried reaching to another lawyer , he told he wont take up the case and told us go to our lawyer. In this mean while, our opposition party has build one compound wall and police has protected them. When we ask the police, he told politicians are acting behind them.
Actually, our exparty havent take posession on our land when district court gave the justice like that and we havent been informed for that case. In the municef court , the justice told that Documents which we have are invalid.
We have every documents clear and encumbrance ceritificate also showing our name. I dont understand..how the judges has given the justice to exparty. Even though they showed some sign on the paper which is not valid.
If this is the situation, where can we get the justice?? our only hope is our land. Please give us advise or please tell who can takeup our case.
Thanks in Advance,