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Chetan Singh (SE)     23 March 2012

Next future marriage


Dear lawyers/experts

Please read the situation and advice, 

In 2009,I met a handicaped lady who was earlier married with her X, 10 years ago and he ditched her and run away and left a son.
We were good friends earlier then slow slowly started loving each other, but she was not legally divorced so i was not ready to marry her.

She tried to do sucide so in 2010 ,I decided to marry her in hiding this to my parents. Once our parents came to know they  seperated us forcefully, as a result she filed me 498a,3/4,125 on me.

In 2011 I got this marriage nullified from court on the ground of her earlier marriage.
But 498a,3/4,125 cases are going on still.....

Now since 2 years has passed i am living alone in delhi city due to new job and strugling life alone.I need a life partner but due to cases no body is ready to me as a wife. So as a result of loneyness my this exwife usually talks me daily basis so that i cant go in depression.
When I try to convence her,to finish these cases so that i can remarry with some, then she says arrange for her a home and shelter, since she has nobody in her life to care her and her 10 years son.

Can there is such a arrangement that I can take 2bhk one for me and one for herwithson.with an agreement papers that she will never oppose my next marriage and never create any problem in future.Because if she has nobody to take care I am reday to provide shelter as a human being in seperate room. she also promised me that we will leave seperate rooms and we will never do physical contacts since we are not husband wife now, we will leave as friends or neighbours.

Please advice if I can go with this agreement, if living together will effect my nullified judgement if I remary in future with another lady?


 5 Replies

Shantilal Pandya ( Advocate)     23 March 2012

 if the marriage with you  is delcared a nullity  and the court has not ordered you to  make provision for her maiuntenance ,   simply ignore her,

the lady who is hesitating to withdraw  cases  against you  presumable false  cases ,  does not  desrve any  sympathy from you . but even so  if you want to  help her  you  can do , wihtout  any obligation  for the same.


You Give her a tight slap on her face and make her take all cases back

Chetan Singh (SE)     23 March 2012

Yes, she deserve for slap and ignorence but my concern is to get free from all cases .No matter if she takes shelter in my next room or near by place on rent.

My age is increasing and i dont want to waste it on court dates so I am deciding to give her shelter and wants to search good girl of mine age for marriage, will it be fine?


yes it will be search girl of your choice.

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     23 March 2012



Shonee Kapoor

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