Bank is Non compling the RBI rules as well as Finance ministry order regarding pensioners.
What action can be taken against the bank official, can i file petition in the court ?is he liable to punish?
Kindly advise in detail in the matter
udaykumar (executive) 13 April 2010
Bank is Non compling the RBI rules as well as Finance ministry order regarding pensioners.
What action can be taken against the bank official, can i file petition in the court ?is he liable to punish?
Kindly advise in detail in the matter
G. ARAVINTHAN (Legal Consultant / Solicitor) 13 April 2010
1. first you send a detailed representation to the bank and head office.
2. write a letter under RTI Act for your query
3. file appeal before banking Ombudsman
udaykumar (executive) 15 April 2010
Sir, Thanks a lot for your valuable advised.
I have already done following,even visited their local head office.They also relcutant in the matter. I will file appeal before the Banking Ombudsman very soon. I will let you know after approaching the Ombudsman.
1. first you send a detailed representation to the bank and head office.(Received no satifactory reply)
2. write a letter under RTI Act for your query ( they are not aware of the rules, i have handed over the copy of orders to RTI Cell)
3. file appeal before banking Ombudsman( if anything in this please advise )
Regards - Udaykumar
Gundlapallis (Advocate) 16 April 2010
For approaching Banking Ombudsman you have to wait for 30 days from the date of your representation to the bank - if they have not responded or the response is not to your satisfaction only then the Ombudsman will entertain your complaint. In the complaint you have to mention the dates and state that the bank has not responded and waiting time of 30 days are over, if you are proceeding due to no response from the bank.
Gundlapallis (Advocate) 16 April 2010
Depending on the nature of the greivance you also have a remedy in Consumer Forum.