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S. K. Dube (Chief Manager Marketing ( retd ))     31 August 2009

Old residential property - tenant disputes

Hi !....... I have an ancestral residential property at AGRA U.P. comprising of some 30 odd tenaments all paying very meagre rent, some not paying at all. They are all old tenants and have made structural and other alterations in their individual units as per their convenience. My father who was looking after the property expierd some 20 yrs back. There has been no one in particular to take care of the building except my brother who vists the plkace once in 4/5 months. Rent for almost 3 years has not been collected. The rent is so meagre that it is impossible even to pay the property taxes etc. Kindly guide me to a resourceful lawyer at AGRA who can guide me in the matter........thanks,                                    SK DUBE


 3 Replies

Prof.A.S.Dalal (Professor)     31 August 2009

Why were you sleeping for such a long time .Pl. save some time and visit agra to find out a good lawyer yourself. If you have given them the rent receipt I can assure you of one thig that Yout title to the property is safe otherwise .... it all depends upon the factual matix of the case 

NAVNEET (MANAGER)     01 September 2009


Kindly elucidate the importance of issue of rent reciept

Ramesh babu (civil and criminal)     27 September 2009

sir ,

1st appoint a civil lawyer, and issue notice to all tenants  u/s   106 Transfer of Property act or Rent control act.

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