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Sankar Biswas   02 May 2021

Online Fraud

Three people cheated me by posing as share market traders/brokers and took 1,87,500 INR from me for trading and for 4 months I'm asking the money back but they are not giving. They basically were doing dubba trading. I have their contact numbers and bank account details. They have caused me a great mental harassment and agony. I want to lodge a FIR against them and make sure they get severely punished. what should I do, can anyone please guide me?

 13 Replies

Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     02 May 2021

1. You can file a Police FIR, requesting investigation and charge-sheet, for various offences like Cheating, Intimidation, Fraud, Breach of Trust, Mischief etc.... against the persons, supported with all relevant supporting Documents, Evidences & Witnesses.

2.  IF the Police does not take action, THEN you can file private criminal case u/s 156(3) Cr.P.C., in the local Magistrates court, seeking directions to the Police to investigate and file charge sheet.  The said Person may come down for settlement.

Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal 

2 Like

aditi   02 May 2021

respected sir

one can lodge the FIR under Section 154 of Code of Criminal Procedure at the local police station. The documents required for filing the FIR will depend upon the type of of cyber crime committed. 

The government of India initiated  National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal, which is the components of Cyber Crime Coordination Centre established by Ministry of Home Affairs and government of India where you can register your complaint and have access to cyber crime cells.

here's the link-

you need to register yourself using your mobile number after which you will receive an OTP valid for 30 mins. you need to mention all the details including incidental, suspects, complainant's (license/ voter id/ PAN card, address). After this you will receive a PDF and an email about the compalint.

you can also go for offline cybercrime complaint in the written form, for which you can file at any cyber crime cell in India as it comes under global jurisdriction


Vijaya Lakshmi   02 May 2021

We have lent money to our family friend good faith but now when they recovered and in good wealth condition they are not supporting on returning our retired amount. We need ur expert advise to guide us towards right decision for Recovery 🎓

Sankar Biswas   03 May 2021

thank you so much Hemant and Aditi.

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     03 May 2021

Lodge FIR for investigation and further proceeding as per law.

Sankaranarayanan (Advocate)     03 May 2021

without your concern how they received that much money transaction been held? How  you trusted them without finding  facts and backgrounds of their profession ? Any how file a complaint before Police and try to get your money back

Sankar Biswas   03 May 2021

Thank you Vashista Sir.

Dear Sankar Sir, they posed as employees of Forex Factory company, they showed me fake screenshots of that websites and all. I agree I should have been more careful, but I can't undo what I have done.

SIVARAMAPRASAD KAPPAGANTU (Retired Manager)     03 May 2021

The first point is that Dubba Trading is illegal in that the transactions are not routed through the stock exchange It all depends upon how you made the payment. Did you make the payment by way of cash just handing over the amount to them physically or paid to the credit of their account by way of cheque?


When you are duped in an illegal activity, filing of FIR would be difficult as you have first explain why you resorted to such activity.



Sankar Biswas   03 May 2021

Sivarama Sir, actually I was not aware it was dubba trading where I'm getting involved into, they told me they are from Forex Factory company and they are legit commodity traders

SIVARAMAPRASAD KAPPAGANTU (Retired Manager)     03 May 2021

Please approach the Police through a reliable and capable Lawyer in your area and give full details of the activity of these people and get a FIR is lodged. Maybe the Police would take action and at least prevent them from duping other gullible people like you.

Pradipta Nath (Advocate)     03 May 2021

If you want to lodge FIR you should go to your nearby police station or talk to any of the Advocates over there or take online conference with any pan India Advocate.

Sankar Biswas   03 May 2021 have dismissed the case saying it is not cyber crime

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     04 May 2021

Dubba trading: Since it is not a legal transaction, there is absolutely no transaction cost. Traders opt for Dabba trading over the formal trading system as the transactions and any gains from it are not subject to taxes such as income tax, securities transaction or commodity transaction.

Dabba Trading is a process used by brokers to illegally route their client's trades (buy/sell orders) outside the stock exchange. Dabba Trading software can delete zeroes at whim.

On the basis of the evidences in your possession to prove the fraud has taken place, you can approach the local police with a complaint, get a FIR registered for the fraud played on you and then follow it up, however it may not be possible to recover the lost money by lodging the police complaint

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