Dear All Experts,
My firend who is married her fatrher is working in Ordnance Factory as a Skilled labour iand s about to reire in july 2012 and he was suspended for 8 yrs due to his irregularities in his service. Her father conduct with her mother was not good since marraige his father used to bit and abuse her mother because of which her mother lost fist child in her womb in 7 months.( this is small brief about her father)
lNow query is my friend wants that after the retirement of her father from service half pension should be given to her mother because she was not sure whether his father is going to look after her mother or not at present her father is not staying with her mother.
Request you all whether this can be possible if yes then what are the proedure they should follow to get it done.
With Thanks and Regards
Rajanishkumar Verma