Krishna Debnath 28 June 2018
Vanshika Kapoor 24 July 2018
Hello Krishna,
I need more details about your case to help you better, but in my understanding, once you lose you job, you won't be legally liable to the company for any permissions to persue higher education anywhere.
bovave 22 October 2018
Treadmills are one of the most popular workout machines for full-body conditioning. Most people who live in the cities don’t have the ability to go out for a run every day.
Rakesh Gupta 16 January 2019
Krishna, you would not need any permission even if you did not lose the job. You are going to pursue distance/online course and that would not interfere with your work in any way. So please go ahead and enrol for the course without any fear.
Cameo 30 March 2019
great wqieqwioeqejhwqioehyiowqhojqhowqhioh