Dear Sir, In Today meet, my cousin visited Crime Against Woman cell( CAW)in Haryana in response to complaint file by her wife Her wife has imposed the condition for returning the articles which includes 350 gms gold articles While my cousin allege that he has only 50-70 gms gold in his posession rest belong to his deceased mother Her wife has given the list and CAW has given next date of hearing
My cosuin has the following doubts
1 Whether he should give the amount of gold which was in his possession? As he has apprehension that her desire will remain stick to the other amount of gold which belongs to his mother?
2 If he returned the gold, how and in what manner he should return the gold?
3 If he return the gold, how can he be sured that she can vary from the stand she has not received the gold?
4 Whether she can pursue for section 406 when she received only that much amount of gold which my cousin has been carried by him?
5 Women personnel has advised them to accommodate in rented accommodation, otherwise she will implicate other family members, whether living in rented accommodation is safe?