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Mohammed Tariq (Executive)     27 January 2014

Please help

Hi Everyone,


There is one house between my house and a Mosque which belonged to my relatives. They are only orphan children. Their family forefathers have been living here even before independence. Their mother died about 22 yrs ago and father died 3-4 yrs ago. Before his death, when he tried to sell the house, the committe of the mosque which is now filled with a group of goons, notoriously clamied that the place belonged to the mosque putting forward a piece of paper claiming to be 150 years old on which the Nawab Sahab bequeathing this piece of land to the mosque, has no identity. Moreover, the mosque should have been build only on the land given. The area is totally surrounded by Muslim community. Had anyone tried to grab or share the land of the mosque, there would have been shrieks around the city. Then how the committe got the dreams of a place where people have been living for generations and why this secret was know to the committe and why it kept silence for 150 years.


Once the committe hired goons who took the pocession and the father of the orphan children approach us for protection. We fought back and able to throw the goons out. Fearing all this he sold the house to us and after his death, as he was our relative and close to us, therefore it is our responsibility to look after those orphan and innocent children and now the house is one and still those children are living with us under our care. 


Now the concern is that those goons use the pulpit of the mosque to abuse us and turn the mob against us in the name of religion. Apart from this we are regularly called for the meetings and a number of people debate us in mosque instead of coming to court. We have made our stand clear that if the committe will be able to prove the fact, we will leave the place.


The committe has called the police at times to bind an illegal pressure.


Kindly let us know what can we do protect us and our family from such wolves who appears to be lambs.


 1 Replies

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     09 March 2014



the pf form itself indicate the procedure to get the claim if company is closed.

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