After many problems with wife and in-laws, I am getting strong feeling of divorce in near future.
How can I prepare myself for divorce and related criminal cases. Can you please give me pointers to keep myself safe?
What I have started doing?
stay mentally strong and prepared for worst
hide/dispose high movable assets
started recording each phone call
secretly record conversations
monitor spouse online activities and gather records like phone call statements
Open questions:
I am salaried in private company, so i think my income is visible via ITR. Can i hide/fake income?
my 1bhk flat is on joint name, and I am sole EMI payer (even initial contributions were mine). Possible to remove her name from property (by getting her registered power of attorny with by faking some reason of situation)?
should i transfer my car to dad’s / siblings name to show low profile lifestyle (to reduce maintenance)?
anything else i should prepare or start playing tactics with??