What is the procedure in India for Recognition of a village by the State Government? is there any Act? What are the laws that Govern such recognition by the State Government?
N.K.Assumi (Advocate) 09 May 2010
What is the procedure in India for Recognition of a village by the State Government? is there any Act? What are the laws that Govern such recognition by the State Government?
Isaac Gabriel (Advocate) 09 May 2010
It has become the practice to assign name to any particular place by the habitants or local residents and call it by that name. The postal and revenue athorites continue to call it by that name and it becomes the recognied name for that lovcality. The lay oput promoters also sell the plots by naming the area and this also becomes the name of the village. No question of recognition of name is in vogue except the above.
N.K.Assumi (Advocate) 09 May 2010
Thank you Issac, for your valuable responds.