what share does son has on his fathers self occupied property
srinivasakumar (Sr.Engr) 30 December 2009
what share does son has on his fathers self occupied property
Suchitra. S (Advocate) 30 December 2009
Sir, do you mean, self earned property? Or only occupied property? If you are asking about self earned property, legal heirs dont have any rights over them.
subhash kumar (advocate) 30 December 2009
Dear, son can not claim on the self acquired property of father, father have every right to dispose of the property in any manner. If the father dies intestate then as one of legal heir you have one share in the property.
Subhash kumar, adv
AJAY ARORA (PROP.) 01 January 2010
one of my client wants to enter into collaboration agreement with builders.What terms he should mention to safe guard his interest.