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R K........ (Analyst)     19 August 2014

Property dispute

I and my father had bought a property around 30 years back. The property is on name of my father who has died. I had paid installments for the property by cheque from my account. My money was involved in purchase of plot and building the house

My father has not left any will and now my sister is asking for share in property. My mother is alive and lives with me.

Can my sister claim any right on this property. Should we fight a legal case or it won't help ?


 3 Replies

Laxmi Kant Joshi (Advocate )     20 August 2014

After the death of your father you , your mother and your sister are the legal heir of your father , you all three are entitle for 1/3 share each in your father property.

Laxmi Kant Joshi (Advocate )     20 August 2014

After the death of your father you , your mother and your sister are the legal heir of your father , you all three are entitle for 1/3 share each in your father property.

R K........ (Analyst)     20 August 2014

But my money was involved in purchase of the property. Still I need to give share to my sister. Please confirm ?

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