Dear All,
I need your valubale advice on our property dispute. My grandfather's property is in Hyderabad . My father is the eldest son of the family and he has one sister who is a widow and a brother who expired.
All have them have been married before 1986.There is a dispute in the family on the property sharing has what is the exact percentage for the property right. After my grandfather expired my father has been taking care of my grandmother until she was alive and also financlias( daily needs ) for her siter after his husband got expired.
My question is whether my aunt ( fathers sister ) will get a share in the property as she is married before 1986 and also can my father have more share in the property , my father being eldest son and also taking care of his mother.
My father is survied by his wife, 2 sons, 2 daughters
My father's brother (Late ) has a daugher who is married.
My aunt ( father's sister) is survied by a daughter.
Please give your valuable feedback.